Sunday School 9:00 AM, Worship Service 10:15 AM, Sunday Evening Bible Study 5:00 PM

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Christ in Youth

When it comes to youth events, there is nothing quite like what Christ in Youth has to offer.

For middle schoolers at MFCC we embark on a weekend retreat called CIY Believe. It is an incredible time of worship, small group, fellowship, teaching, and fun designed specifically for middle schoolers to begin to understand that it is Jesus who defines them, no one else.


For high schoolers, we take a week-long trip to the beautiful state of Tennessee to Milligan College for CIY MOVE. Here, teens will learn that Jesus is the most important person to have ever lived, and because He lives today, that matters for their lives too. MOVE is fun, intense, hilarious, wonderful, and bold all at one time. You won't regret coming to CIY!

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